Exam session: September 2024
1. Communication & Media Theory (AGE0700)
Exam date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Room: Individual e-quiz
Exam time: 09:00-11:30
Required readings:
McQuail, D., & Deuze, M. (2021). McQuail’s media and mass communication theory (7th ed., in Greek). Papassotiriou Publishers.
The following chapters:
Chapters Pages
#4-#6 103‑198
#8-#9 233‑299
#16-#18 503‑585

ATTENTION: To take the exam, the course must have been included in the courses statement of the current academic year.


2. Introduction to Communication (GE0100)
Exam date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Room: Individual e-quiz
Exam time: 09:00-11:30
Required readings:
Kaitatzi-Whitlock, S. (2012). Communication: Theory in Praxis. A.A. Livanis Publishers.
The chapters:
Chapters Pages
#2‑#5 57‑113
#8‑#18 147‑309
#20 338‑353

ATTENTION: To take the exam, the course must have been included in the courses statement of the current academic year.


3. Cultural & Creative Industries (AMM0400)
Exam date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Room: Individual e-quiz
Exam time: 09:00-11:30
Required readings:
a) Avdikos, V. (2014). Cultural and creative industries in Greece. Epikentro. Available through Eudoxus.
b) Vernikos, N. et al. - eds. (2005): Cultural industries: Processes, services, goods. Kritiki. The chapters:
  1. Bounia, A.: Museums as cultural industries: Issues and questions - a preliminary discussion (pp. 39-58).
  2. Badimaroudis, F., & Pitsaki, I.: The Greek book industry (pp. 109-125).
  3. Boubaris, N.: The music industry in transition (pp. 225-247).
c) Peterson, R. & Anand, N.: The production of culture perspective. Annual Review of Sociology, 30, 311-334.
d) Baltzis, A.: Course slides in pdf format. Available on the elearning platform.

ATTENTION: To take the exam, the course must have been included in the courses statement of the current academic year.


4. Mass Communication and the Arts (MM0200)
Exam date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Room: Individual e-quiz
Hours: 09:00-11:00
Required readings:
a) John Walker: Art in the Age of Mass Media. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2010 (Introduction, Chapters 1-6, until p. 200).
b) Nikolas Vernikos et al. - eds. (2005): Cultural Industries. Processes, Services, Goods. Athens: Kritiki. Chapters:
  1. Alexandra Bounia: "Museums as Cultural Industries: Issues and Questions - A Preliminary Discussion" (pp. 39-58).
  2. Filimon Badimaroudis, Irini Pitsaki: "The Greek Book Industry" (pp. 109-125).
  3. Nikos Boubaris: "The Music Industry in Transition" (pp. 225-247).

ATTENTION: To take the exam, the course must have been included in the courses statement of the current academic year.

The exam will take place exclusively via the elearning platform of the Aristotle University.


5. Sociology of Journalism (ADH4000)
(Core course in the Journalism curriculum, in collaboration with V. Vamvakas)
Exam date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Room: Computers Lab (2nd floor, Law School building)
Hours: 09:00-11:30
Required readings:

Manning, P. (2023). News and news sources: A critical introduction. Ideologio Publications. The chapters:

 Chapters   Pages 
#1-#3 17-141
#5-#8 185-373

ATTENTION: To take the exam, the course must have been included in the student's statement of the current semester courses. It is important to take the mock test as many times as possible to familiarize yourself with the exam system.

The exam will take place exclusively via the elearning platform of the Aristotle University.


5. Quantitative Data Analysis (MM4100)
(in collaboration with Dr. N. Tsiggilis)
Exam date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Room/Exam mode: Computer Lab (Law School Building)
Hours: 11:30-13:30

6. Applied Data Analysis (EPE202)
(MA programme in communication; co-teaching: N. Tsigilis)
Essays due date: Saturday, September 14, 2024 (23:59)