In Research in the Sociology of Education. Present and Perspectives, pp. 451-456.
Conference Proceedings (Ioannina, October 16-17, 2014)
Editors: Theodoros V. Thanos, Andromahi Bouna, Efthimios Tolios
Ioannina (Greece): Department of Pre-School Education (University of Ioannina)
Hellenic Sociological Society, 2015
ISBN: 978-960-233-216-0Πρακτικά_-1ο-Παν.-Συν.-ΚοινΤηςΕκπ-2.pdf
The international university rankings presented in the public sphere support the argumentation for making specific decisions about the higher education system. In this paper, the construction and the representation of the international university rankings by the Greek press is analyzed.
Based upon the method of the critical discourse analysis, on measurements of the infotainment dimensions of the way these rankings are presented, as well as on measurement of indices for impartiality and completeness, an analysis of a sample of journalistic articles published in the daily press resulted in several interesting findings.
The international rankings presented in the Greek press in a way that supports the construct of a series of negative stereotypes about the higher education system in Greece, as well as a series of social stereotypes about what success means in the academic field.